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Online language CPD wins prestigious European Award

Dublin based eLearning company, The Learning Rooms, and the Post-Primary Languages Ireland received a European Language Label award for their online language CPD course ‘Use of the Target Language in the Modern Language Classroom’ at a ceremony in Farmleigh House on Friday, 30 September 2017.

The prestigious award acknowledges this innovative eLearning resource designed to guide teachers in their use of the target language in the classroom. Videos modelling classroom strategies combine with interactive and self-reflective exercises to provide a dynamic and impactful learning resource.

The European Language Label is an award encouraging new initiatives in the field of teaching and learning languages. The jury commented “The project is extremely comprehensive in its provision of online resources. Resources, and the platforms on which they are hosted, are used very creatively, combining online teaching in an interactive manner, and also providing an offline planning interface.

Ryan McInnes, eLearning Director at The Learning Rooms said: “The Learning Rooms are delighted to offer our expertise to the Post-Primary Languages Ireland’s first eLearning course and at the recognition of the instructional design used in developing this resource. We combined the creative ideas and excellent subject understanding of the Post Primary Languages Ireland with our eLearning development expertise. This online language CPD model should inform professional development opportunities for teachers throughout Ireland.”


The Post-Primary Languages Ireland is a dedicated unit providing expertise and support for foreign languages education in Ireland. It aims to diversify, enhance and expand language teaching in post-primary schools throughout Ireland. The focus is on enhancing and broadening the opportunities available to students for learning foreign languages. These are relevant to Ireland’s future cultural, social and economic needs.

The Learning Rooms is a full service eLearning technology, design and development company. We work with clients to produce modern and effective eLearning experiences for Irelands leading organisations.

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