Child protection eLearning
Child protection eLearning for schools
The Department of Education and the Professional Development Service for Teachers partnered with The Learning Rooms to design and develop two child protection eLearning courses. Based on the new Child Protection Procedures for Primary and Post-Primary Schools, they were delivered to more than 4000 schools throughout Ireland.
About the Professional Development Service for Teachers
The PDST is Ireland’s largest single support service offering professional learning opportunities to teachers and school leaders in a range of pedagogical, curricular and educational areas. It operates under the Department of Education.

The Challenge
The Department of Education is responsible for developing and implementing child protection procedures for schools based on the Children First: National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children 2017. They needed to train all school management and staff regarding the identification of and response to child protection concerns and the process for continued support of the child.
The Solution
The child protection eLearning courses highlight the need for creating a culture of child protection among all school personnel. It is an important element of safeguarding the welfare of the children in a school’s care. The eLearning courses outline the procedures to follow should a member of school personnel become aware of a child protection issue. They also offer strategies for dealing with disclosures.
Child protection for all school personnel
The first course is for teachers and all other school personnel. It is designed to be facilitated by the school principal and follows an animated documentary style. It offers a number of guided discussion topics for the school personnel to engage with during the face-to-face session.
Child protection for the DLP
The second course, designed for the Designated Liaison Person (DLP) in the school, typically the principal. This course provides an interactive eLearning experience, containing animation, questioning and knowledge checks. It forms part of a blended learning experience that is supported by face-to-face seminars.