The benefits of self-directed eLearning
A self-directed eLearning course from The Learning Rooms provides many benefits to the learner:
- A modern and engaging learning experience
- Learning at your own pace
- An effective approach to training
- Accessible learning content
- Cost and time-effective learning
- Ability to complete the training where and when suits you best
- Enables learning available at the point of need
- Time to repeat content that you find difficult
- Provides time to implement your new learning and revisit the content

eLearning for the whole team
Self-directed eLearning also offers additional benefits to organisations who want to deliver courses for staff development:
- Provides an ability to leverage analytics
- Cost and environmentally positive due to reduced travel
- Removes difficulties in scheduling training
- A consistent message is delivered throughout the organisation
- L&D helps attract and retain talent
Interactive online courses in a place and at a time that suits you.

A learner-centred approach
Digital learning that is enjoyable
We take an inclusive approach to course design. A user-friendly interface, simple navigation and a mix of content types including video and animation create a positive learning experience.

Engage your brain
Interactive, multimedia-rich eLearning
Interactive means that you work your way through the course. Yes, you interact with your mouse or finger. But more than that, you engage your brain. Answering questions, thinking about how to solve problems, and working your way through case studies.
A multimedia-rich learning experience keeps you interested. Video, animation, narration as well as text and images. We deliver the content in the most appropriate and engaging way so that you can learn easily and enjoy the experience.