Online teacher CPD
Helping Ireland’s teachers embrace teaching and learning online
The Learning Rooms worked with PDST Technology in Education to enable primary and post-primary teachers to move their teaching and learning online.
About PDST Technology in Education
PDST Technology in Education promotes and supports the integration of ICT in teaching and learning in first and second level schools. It is part of the national support service, the Professional Development Service for Teachers. PDST operates under the aegis of the Department of Education and Skills.
The Challenge
The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the closure of Irish schools. The Department of Education and Skills was faced with a significant challenge. They needed to rapidly upskill primary and post-primary teachers to teach and support their students’ learning online. Although a range of schools had existing systems in place for teaching and learning online, some did not. Additionally, many teachers needed support and guidance on the various tools and approaches available to them.
The Solution
The eLearning course introduces teachers to an extensive range of online educational resources and tools avaliable to them. These include websites for sourcing videos, podcasts and other digital content. The course is designed for all primary and post-primary teachers, including those with little previous experience in delivering teaching and learning online.