Online Salesforce training
Online CRM training for Depaul
The Learning Rooms and Depaul developed an online CRM training package for staff and managers about Depaul’s recent upgrades to their CRM software. The package included instructional videos as well as an eLearning course.
About Depaul
Depaul is a charity based in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, on a mission to end homelessness and change the lives of those affected by it. They provide support across five key areas: preventing homelessness; specific support for families and young people; high support accommodation; health and rehabilitation; and housing.

The Challenge
Depaul operate a CRM system (OTIS) based on Salesforce. The CRM is used to track information about Depaul services and their service users. In recent years they secured funding to add features, make it more accessible and streamline functions to make it easier for staff to use. Staff in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland use the CRM daily, so it was important they were aware of the changes and would be confident to use the new features.
The Solution
The online CRM training package included instructional videos as well as an eLearning course.
eLearning course
The eLearning course for all staff covers the benefits and functions of the CRM, introducing staff to the key changes. It looks at a typical service user journey and how a staff member might use the CRM to support this. To apply the learning, staff are introduced to a case study where they make decisions about how the CRM can be best utilised.
Instructional videos
The second initiative to support staff and managers to use the CRM was a series of 29 short instructional videos. They provide step by step guidance on how to carry out specific functions on the CRM. These include how to create case notes, how to review safety and wellbeing assessments, and how to find and run reports.