Online induction for volunteers
Online induction for ALONE practical support volunteers
The Learning Rooms partnered with ALONE to develop two online induction modules for practical support volunteers. The modules have been designed to equip and empower volunteers. The volunteers needed to carry out practical tasks for an older person while maintaining their safety and the safety of the older person.
ALONE is a charity that supports and empowers older people to age at home. Their 2,000+ volunteers play an essential role in these services and are involved in every level of the organisation. The various roles include supporting and befriending, telephone support and fundraising, among others.

The Challenge
ALONE needed to quickly recruit and onboard new practical support volunteers to meet the rapidly changing needs of older people in the community in Ireland. A volunteer in this role would collect and deliver essentials, such as groceries and medical prescriptions to older people in the community. Due to factors, including time, resources, the existing ALONE face-to-face volunteer training was not feasible.
The Solution
In the first online induction module, About ALONE, volunteers are introduced to ALONE. It introduced the organisation: their mission, values and quality mark. About ALONE also discussed the four key services ALONE has established in response to Ireland’s ageing demographic.
The second online induction module was Practical Support Volunteer Training. It aims to prepare volunteers specifically for their role in supporting older people. The module covers relevant ALONE protocol, such as health and safety, security, safeguarding and delivering the supports.
ALONE are delighted with the work provided by The Learning Rooms. The staff were very accommodating and helpful throughout the process and very easy to work with.