Video for learning training
Video for learning training for Ornua
The Learning Rooms delivered a one-day video for learning training workshop to Ornua.
About Ornua
Ornua is a dairy co-operative which markets and sells dairy products on behalf of its members. Ornua is Ireland’s largest exporter of Irish dairy products, exporting to 110 countries worldwide. Headquartered in Dublin, it has a global team of 3,000 employees.

The Challenge
Ornua were launching a new SAP Success Factors learning management system (LMS). They needed to build digital learning content for staff and gradute induction and training. Video for learning production was identified as a potential high-impact eLearning delivery method and in-house expertise was required. The development tool, Camtasia, was identified as most suitable for Ornua.
The Solution
The Learning Rooms delivered a one-day video for learning training workshop. The training covered:
- Writing instructional video scripts
- Getting started with Camtasia
- Screen and voiceover recording
- Video editing
- Sharing video