As with everything in life, completing an online course can present some minor challenges for the learners. However, these challenges are pretty easy to overcome with good learning design. We have compiled four common challenges our learners sometimes struggle with and have provided you with easy solutions for each.
1. Solitude
eLearning courses are typically designed for individual usage. Without having that classroom-like interaction, there is a possibility that learners can feel isolated.
Digital courses can easily be accompanied with live video sessions and online discussion forum activities. Use these to enable your learners to connect with each other, ask questions and receive feedback. Social media can also facilitate communication between learners. Setting up a blog, LinkedIn or Facebook page for the course where learners can share their progress can bring a welcome sense of community.
2. Motivation
It can be difficult to stay motivated when undertaking an eLearning course.
Sometimes, people will procrastinate getting started or will click through the course as fast as possible to try and get it done quickly.
Motivation, very simply, is the reason for doing something. Therefore the content of an eLearning course must be relevant to the learner and fulfil their learning needs. Interactive content with multimedia features is good for keeping the learner’s attention. Positive and constructive feedback can boost the learner’s confidence and keep them motivated. Reminding the learner of the practical benefits of doing this course and relating the content to them can help.
3. Technology
Digital devices are not everyone’s forte and some people find the idea of completing a course over the internet intimidating. Learners who don’t have much experience with computers can easily be hesitant towards eLearning.
Well-designed eLearning courses should be user-friendly. Simple enough that everyone, no matter their experience with technology, can navigate and figure out how to work it. Choose a technology that enables easy navigation, is appropriate to the learner and provide technical and learning support.
4. Self-discipline
Because eLearning is self-directed, it is up to the learner to get the course-work completed. There is often no direct supervision. This can be challenging, especially after a long day of work when people are tired.
Encourage your learners to set aside a specific time of the day to study and stick with it. Even better, have a specific place where go to work. Setting a limited amount of time (e.g. one hour) will help them stay focused.
Contact us if you are interested in talking about your eLearning challenges.
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