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Management Essentials

Management Essentials is a highly practical course focused on developing people management skills. Management Essentials leads to a QQI qualification. The course gives managers the competence and confidence to develop a management style that is appropriate to the challenges they can face in terms of managing performance and employee expectations. It also assists in developing the skills required to achieve personal, team and organisational goals.

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Course duration

9 weeks (part-time)

Course delivery

Blended, fully online


All Industries

Open course

Healthcare only


QQI Level 6 Component Certificate


50 CPD Points

Your commitment: 3 tutor-led days, 8 online modules, 3 assignments

Introduction to Management Essentials

This Management Essentials course is designed to help managers apply people management concepts, principles, creative thinking and critical skills to their work environment. It encourages managers to exercise and assume personal responsibility for prioritising, managing and organising their own work and that of their team.

Fully blended learning experience

Tutor sessions delivered on site or live online

Interactive eLearning modules

QQI Component Certificate, Level 6, Managing People, (6N3945)

Your learning experience

The course is delivered by highly qualified and experienced facilitators who adopt an energetic and facilitative style. Tutor-led elements includes lectures, facilitated discussion, case studies, and self-evaluation audits. eLearning modules provide an interactive learning experience delivered through video, animation, narration and other media.

Is this course for you?

This Management Essentials course is for managers who are new to their role, or those seeking a formal qualification in people management. It is designed to suit the needs of managers and supervisors working in any sector, whose remit includes managing people and teams.

What will you learn?

Based on best practice in management and the latest thinking in adult education. Participants will gain a comprehensive overview of the core people management approaches and develop the essential skills required to lead and guide work teams successfully.

Content areas

This Management Essentials course covers the challenges faced by managers in today’s work environment.

  • Management Vs leadership
  • Leadership characteristics
  • Your management style
  • Motivation
  • Developing effective teams
  • Managing team conflict
  • Managing resources
Communication skills
  • Getting your message across
  • Influencing
  • Barriers to communication
  • Assertiveness
  • Body language
  • Listening
Employee performance
  • Performance management
  • Giving feedback
  • Recognising progress
  • Managing poor performance
  • Rewarding performance
  • Setting goals and targets
  • Personal Development Planning
Employee relations skills
  • Managing absenteeism
  • Handling grievances
  • The disciplinary process
  • Dignity at work issues
  • Policies and procedures
  • Employment law overview
Culture/managing change
  • What is culture?
  • How culture is established?
  • Changing the culture
  • Types of change
  • Overcoming resistance
Conflict management
  • Personal effectiveness
  • Time management
  • Making meetings work
  • Managing personal stress
  • Delegation
  • Problem solving
  • Personal action planning

eLearning modules

The Role of the Manager

This module focuses on the functional role of the manager and introduces learners to the POLC model of management. It explores the processes involved in planning, organising, leading and controlling and how central these are to the role of the manager.

Screenshot showing the title slide of Role of the Manager online course.

Managing Performance

The Managing Performance module equips learners with recognised processes and models to help you manage performance in a way that achieves success but also motivates and encourages your people.

Screenshot showing Ability and willingness slide.

Conflict Management

This module is designed to help you recognise and understand the types and signs of conflict, offer explanations of why people behave the way they do, and gives you some suggestions for conflict resolution strategies.

Screenshot showing How is each person feeling question slide.


The Coaching module illustrates how adopting a coaching management style can help you to develop your staff and build their confidence in their own capabilities and competencies.

Screenshot showing How to be an effective coach slide.

Managing Teams

This module is designed to assist learners to understand and learn more about developing, managing and maintaining teams.

Screenshot showing the title slide of Managing Teams online course.

Policies & Procedures

The Policies & Procedures module is designed to give learners an overview of three of the most important employee relations policies in organisations: Employee Grievances, Handling Discipline and Dignity at Work.

Screenshot showing Three key ground rules of discipline slide.

Presentation Skills

This module is designed to help learners prepare and deliver powerful presentations.

Screenshot showing Steps when preparing a presentation slide.

Personal Effectiveness

The Personal Effectiveness module is designed to help learners understand their personal working styles and how it impacts on others.

Screenshot showing the title slide of Resilience in the Workplace online course.

Leads to a QQI Component Certificate, Level 6, Managing People, (6N3945)

Learning outcomes

At the end of this Management Essentials course, participants should be able to:

Have an understanding of the importance of managing effectively in today’s work environment

Know what makes a good leader, manager and supervisor

Be aware of their own leadership style and capability

Know how to motivate and lead their team

Know how to manage poor performance and recognise good performance

Understand team dynamics and how to manage team conflict

Be aware of organisational culture and how to effectively implement change

Be aware of essential policies and procedures and their implementation

Understand how to be more personally effective through time management, delegation, problem solving and managing personal stress.

QQI logo

Assessment and QQI certification

To successfully complete Management Essentials and achieve a QQI Level 6 Component Certificate in Managing People, learners must undertake 3 assessments: project (50%), learner record (30%) and an assignment (20%). All assessment activities need to be completed. Learners are advised of submission dates.

Management Essentials

What our learners have to say

You're in great company!

Depaul logo
Health Management Institute of Ireland logo
Central Bank of Ireland logo
Resilience Healthcare logo
ISCP logo
Cheshire Ireland logo
Brothers of Charity Services Ireland logo
Beaumont Hospital logo
John at The Learning Rooms

Get in touch

Frequently asked questions about Management Essentials

Do I need to complete any preparation before the course starts?

No, the learning starts on the first tutor led day.

Management Essentials is online. How do I access course materials?

Learners are enrolled on our Learning Management System (LMS) where all course materials are available. Learners receive login details (username, password, access link) before the course starts.

How long do the online modules take to complete?

Six of the modules take approximately 5 hours to complete each. The remaining two take 1.5 hours each approximately.

What are the assessment requirements to achieve a QQI Award?

There are three parts to the assessment: Learner Record (2,000 word); project (1,500 words) and assignment (1,000 words).

What award do I receive?

QQI Managing People Component Certificate Level 6 (6N3945)

When do I receive my QQI certificate?

We certify with QQI twice per year, in February and August. QQI certificates are forwarded approximately a month later.

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