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What’s in your eLearning toolbox?

Infographic: What’s in your eLearning toolbox? Full text is available below the infographic.
Infographic: What’s in your eLearning toolbox?

10 tools for excellent eLearning

  1. Webinar
    • A webinar can be a great way to conduct presentations, seminars or workshops when the instructor and the learners cannot easily get to the same location.
  2. Screencast demo
    • Screencasts are designed to instruct learners by taking them step-by-step through a process, which they can follow alongside by themselves.
  3. Video
    • Videos are a great way to communicate information by
      showing the learner as opposed to telling them. Videos can add variety to the course and keep the learner engaged.
  4. Discussion forum
    • Online courses often include a discussion forum component, where learners can post questions and comments, and learn from others.
  5. Animation
    • Animations are good for displaying information without the restrictions of using real people in a video. It allows for flexibility and creativity and can be useful for conveying emotionally difficult learning material.
  6. Software simulation
    • Software simulations are excellent ways to familiarise learners with an application in a guided instructional setting.
  7. Online assessment
    • Online assessment can take many different forms, they allow training managers to gauge how well staff have understood the materials as well as letting the learner track their own progress.
  8. Scenario
    • It’s easy to present scenario pathways with online learning. Learners make decisions at each stage of a scenario, and get realistic feedback based on their choices, they can also be graded as they go.
  9. Online game
    • Games and gamification are growing trends in online learning. Elements of games can be highly effective motivators when they are incorporated into online courses.
  10. Interactive diagram
    • Graphics can be a simple and clever way to link information with a real-life context. Often voiceover to explain the diagram reduces the mental load for the learners.

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